I am a firm believer of removing one’s self from time to time of the comforts of home and what we know, to reset and be forced to live in the now. A break from our liquid sunshine and damp cold doesn’t hurt either.

My recent quest for El Sol brought me to a small community between Rincón de Guayabitos and La Peñita de Jaltemba, Mexico. With its stunning bays ribboned by bands of soft sanded beach one can easily see why it’s a favourite among Mexicans and worldwide tourists alike. The area’s quaint nature still holds authentic roots filled with the magic of different culture.

I think the things I love the most though, are the street food (the best food is often found on small chairs on or in the road) and having an opportunity to practice my Spanish (I currently speak just enough to get me into trouble). And of course sticking my toes in warm sand.

The world is filled with so many beautiful places and amazing people. Seems just wrong not to try to visit and meet at least some of them.

But maybe that’s just the tequila talking…