My Grandma Pat was famous in our family for many things. Around the holidays, she was famous for her shortbread cookies and her dark rich fruit cakes. As a child, I never cared much for the fruit cake (she soaked them in rum for a month!) but these cookies, yummy! Just a few ingredients and very simple to make.

Grandma Pat’s Shortbread Cookie Recipe


1/2 Cup Cornstarch

1/2 Cup Icing Sugar

1 Cup Flour

3/4 Cup Cold Butter

Maraschino Cherries/Icing/Decoration (optional)


Pre-heat oven to 300°. Sift dry ingredients together into a large mixing bowl. Cut butter in with knives or a pastry mixer. Use your clean hands to work into a smooth ball. Roll out on a lightly dusted surface to about 1/4″ thick, Cut into desired shapes and place on an ungreased cookie sheet (line with parchment if desired). Add Cherries if using. Bake at 300° for 15-20 minutes, until edges are light golden brown. Cool completely, decorate as desired and store in an air tight container. Makes aprox 2 dozen cookies.